Bay Patrol gets custom 21' - 7' beam Verity Skiff. It draws 16" and could run at 16 knots. The two Bay Patrolmen cover 20 miles and "many thousands of clam-diggers to supervise". Fines of $1,500 a year for non-residents. $1 in 1937 is equivalent to about $21.99 today.
Oddly when doing my research, a William Verity was cited as clamming outside the boundaries, early 1930s'
Power, T. C. (1937, July 28). Bay patrol gets new skiff to enforce clam ordinance. Nassau Daily Review - Star, p. 13. Retrieved January 1, 2024, from https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org.
Below is from The Leader, August 30, 1984
Mass on Freeports waterfront used a Verity Skiff as the pulpit (in-service 1926 to 1976) donated by Al Grover

Fire damages both Verity and Nostrand, boats September 1939

Freeport Historic Photographs, Freeport Historical Society, Freeport Historic Photographs,
Freeport Historical Society & Museum, 2008-08-20. “Verity & Van Nostrand Sea Food Shack”

(1939, September 29). $1,650 Fire Damage inn Boathouses Blaze. Nassau Daily Review-Star, (Friday, September 29,1939), 10. https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/?a=d&d=ndrs19390929-01.1.10&srpos=3&e=01--1924---1972--en-20--1--img-txIN-Verity+Skiff-------Nassau--

There are many online archives on the internet. Some focus on newspapers such as NYS Historical Newspapers. The contents of these sites cannot be found by a simple web search. But it will be an addiction if one has a desired topic to search. I have traced the life and death of many Verity Skiffs using these ads.
Listing are getting less and leas July 1984 The East Hampton Star
25' Verity Skiff The Long Islander 1976

36 ft verity skiff. (1984, July 12). The East Hampton Star, 12 July 1984. Retrieved from https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/?a=d&d=teh19840712-01.1.40&srpos=22&e=-------en-20--21--txt-txIN-Verity+Skiff-------Suffolk--.
1938 Verity Skiff Auctioned

Globe auction. (1981, November 25). The Suffolk County News, p. 23. Retrieved from https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/?a=d&d=sfcn19811125-01.1.23&srpos=34&e=-------en-20--21--txt-txIN-Verity+Skiff-------Suffolk--.

25" verity skiff. (n.d.). The Long-Islander, 15 April 1976, p. 32. Retrieved 2024, from https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/?a=d&d=lir19760415-01.1.32&srpos=24&e=-------en-20--21--txt-txIN-Verity+Skiff-------Suffolk--.
Listed 1963 - an older 24' open Verity Skiff could be one of Grandpa's. He made some open skiffs; this one would not be his last.

24" open verity skiiff. (1963, October 24). The Suffolk County News. Retrieved from https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/?a=d&d=sfcn19631024-01.1.14&srpos=41&e=-------en-20--41--txt-txIN-Verity+Skiff-------Suffolk--.

30’ x 9’ verity skiff. (1948, March 18). Nassau Daily Review-Star, p. 19.
Common Long Island families working together in 1901.

Newspaper Clippings
The digital collections, libraries, and local historical societies are filled with information.